I invite you to participate in the research entitled ““Personal values profile: the analysis of the organizational culture, engagement, and structural empowerment of nurses in a health organization,” the School of Nursing – University of São Paulo – Brazil, coordinate from Professor Chennyfer Dobbins Abi Rached. It is a study to analyze professional Values and use them as a tool to support the development of Nursing team. Understanding the professional profile helps us have a broad view of our characteristics, making it possible to improve career qualities.
Your participation in this study refers to answering the questionnaire on personal values that you will receive online. It is expected that you will spend approximately 20 minutes answering it. This research does not predict risk, and you may feel some discomfort when thinking about your values and your daily life, or some discomfort due to the time spent in the interview.
We guarantee total freedom for you to refuse to participate or withdraw your consent, at any stage of the research, without prejudice to academic activities.
We guarantee the maintenance of the anonymity and privacy of your name during all phases of the research. As it is a search in electronic format, this term’s signature will be in digital format since the data collection will take place by the remote route.
If you agree to participate in the study, you must click on the item I AGREE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE RESEARCH.
The only purpose for which your data will be used will be non-profit research. You are free to request information about the research results and withdraw your consent at any time during the study.
At any stage of the survey, you will have access to the researcher responsible for the investigation to answer questions.
The principal researcher is Ms. Chennyfer Dobbins Abi Rached phone number +55 11 3061-7524 e-mail: chennyfer@usp.br.
This research meets all the specifications of Resolution 466 of December 12, 2012, which approves the guidelines and regulatory standards for research involving human beings.